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Friday, April 16, 2021

April 16, 2021

Management || Important facts || various definitions


Some important facts about management

  • Father of administrative management Henry Fayol (1916)
  • Father of scientific management Frederick Winslow Taylor or F. W. Taylor (1911)
  • Father of modern management Peter Ferdinand Drucker 
  • Father of Personnel Management Robert Owen
  • Father of Bureaucracy management Weber 

  • Father of economics Adam Smith

Different types of definitions of management given by different experts

According to Henry Fayol

To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate, and to control.

According to Mary Parker Follet
Management is the art of getting things done through people.

According to F. W. Taylor

The art of knowledge what you want to do in best and cheapest way.

According to Peter Ferdinand Drucker

Management is a multipurpose organ that manage a business, manage a manager, and manage work and worker.

According to Allen

Management is what a manager does.

According to Donald J. Caugh

Management is the art and science of decision making and leadership.