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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Brick masonry

Brick masonry 


When building unit are constructed with bricks and bounded with the help of mortar are called as brick masonry. 

In 1 m^3 cube brick masonry 500 bricks are used. 

Technical term used in brick masonry 


When brick is laid longer face of brick containing length and height is called as a stretcher. 

The course containing parallel to the face of wall is called stretcher course. 


When brick is laid them shorter face containing breadth and height is called as header. 

The course containing header only are called as header course


The surface of brick on which impression is made are called as face of brick.


When the header and stretcher intersect each other the edge form is called as a ariser. 


The vertical joint separating the brick in either or cross-section direction are known as perpend. 

For a good bond the perpend in alternate course should be vertical and in same plumb line. 


The horizontal distance between the vertical in successive course is termed as lap.  

For a good bond it should be one-fourth of the length of brick. 


A piece of brick which is cut along its length is called closer. 

Types of closer
  1. Queen closer
  2. King closer 
  3. Mitred closer 
  4. Bevelled closer 


This is a piece of brick work obtained by cutting the brick along its width. 

There are following types bat 
  1. Half bat 
  2. Three quarter bat 

Rankine back  

Thee termination of in stepped fashion is called as rankine back. 


The termination of wall in such a fashion that each alternate coarse at the end project outwards is known as toothing. 

Bond in brick 

  1. Stretcher Bond 
  2. Header Bond 
  3. English bond and 
  4. Flemish Bond 
  5. Garden wall bond 
  6. Rankine bond 
  7. Dutch bond 
  8. Brick on edge bond 
  9. English cross bond 
  10. Facing bond  

Stretcher bond 

In this type of bond all bricks are arranged such that a stretcher is shown on the face of wall.

It is also called running Bond. It provided generally in half brick wall. 

Partition wall, cavity wall, etc. 

To obtained the overlap in stretcher bond half bat is provided at starting in each course. 

Header Bond 

The type of Bond in which all bricks are so arranged such that header is shown on the face of wall, is called as header Bond. 

Overlap is obtained by joining three quarter bat in each alternate course.

Overlapped should be equal to half the width of brick. 

English bond 

In english bond alternate course of header and alternate course of stretcher is provided and to obtained necessary overlap a Queen closer is provided just after the first header of each course. 

There are following points used in English bond 

Alternate course consists of header and stretcher.

A queen closer is provided just after quoin header. 

Overlap is equal to half width of brick.

If the wall thickness is an even multiple of half brick thus same course of a stretcher and header are shown in both back and front of wall.

If the wall thickness is odd multiple of half brick then in front face of wall if a stretcher is shown and in the back header course is shown and vice-versa. 

Flemish bond 

In this type of bond the header and stretcher are placed alternatively in each coarse.

There are following points in Flemish bond 

In every coarse the header and stretcher are placed alternatively. 
The queen closer is put next to quoin header in alternate coarse to developed the face lap / overlap. 
Every header is centrally supported over stretcher below it. 

Flemish bond is divided into two types

  1. Single Flemish bond 
  2. Double Flemish bond 

Single Flemish bond 

It is a type of bond in which at the face of wall both header and stretcher are shown but at the back of wall only stretcher or only header of brick is seen. 
The minimum thickness of this bond is one and half brick wall. 

Double Flemish bond 

The type of a bond in which header and stretcher are placed alternatively in front as well as in back of wall. 
The minimum thickness of this bond is one brick wall. 

Laying of bricks 

The process of placing of brick to construct wall is called as brick laying. 


STEP - 1 
Prepare mortar near the job and place it to the mortar pad and start work. 

STEP - 2 
Start with corner and lay of dry brick.

STEP - 3 
Check it with spirit level or plumb bob.

STEP - 4 
Run a line from laid brick to the opposite corner of wall. 

STEP - 5 
Lay brick meter or so long and check with plumb bob and spirit level. 

STEP -6 
Fill the space between brick with the mortar 

STEP - 7 
Proceed this process in each coarse of construction of wall. 

Check in laying of bricks 


In this height of coarse of wall is measured during construction of wall it is necessary that the height of each coarse should be equal at corner and in the middle. 

Gauge board is used to measure the height of coarse. 


In this spirit level is used to measure / level the coarse of wall. 

For exactly level of the coarse of wall the bottom of spirit level touches the face of wall. 


In this face of wall is kept vertical by using plumb bob. 

Plumb bob is used only one side of wall not on both sides. 

Precaution in construction of brick masonry 

•   The brick face containing frog should be at top face. 

•   Brick used should be well burnt and uniform in colour and shape. 

•   Bricks should be wetted before used. 

•   Brick should be laid in proper bond. 

•   Mortar used to fill between bricks should be of good quality.

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